ICC, the ICC logo, CCI, International Chamber of Commerce (including Spanish, French, Portuguese and Chinese translations), World Business Organization, International Court of Arbitration, ICC International Court of Arbitration (including Spanish, French, German, Portuguese and Arabic translations), World Chambers Federation, WCF, World Chambers Academy, Incoterms, the Incoterms 2010 logo, BASCAP, DC-Pro, Merchants of Peace, International Maritime Bureau, the Commercial Crime Services logos, ICC Academy and the ICC Academy logo are all ICC’s trademarks, registered in several countries.
UCP 500, UCP 600, DC Insight, Business Action to Stop Counterfeiting and Piracy, BASIS, Business Action to Support the Information Society, BARMA, Business Action for Responsible Marketing and Advertising, Codescentre, World Business and Development Awards, World Chambers Congress, ATA Carnet, Institute of World Business Law, Dispute Resolution Library and PIDA are also trademarks of ICC.
The above trademarks may not be used in association with products or services not from ICC without ICC’s written authorisation.
The ICC logo may not be used in a way that implies endorsement, partnership or authorship by ICC, or that ICC is its source, without ICC’s written permission and agreement on how the logo will be used. If permission is granted, it is only granted for a specific event, product or service; usage with another event, product or service requires a new request.
In relation to any material relating to the Incoterms rules, you should always indicate that “Incoterms” is a trademark of ICC and respect the trademark usage rules available on the Incoterms 2010 section of this website.
Requests for permission to use any of ICC’s trademarks should be addressed ipmanagement@iccwbo.org.
Use of ICC material and publications
All ICC publications, papers, codes, rules and other texts are subject to ICC’s copyright.
Express written permission from ICC or its subsidiary, ICC Services, is required to reproduce, translate or adapt – in part or in whole – any ICC publication or other material (including training material) which is available for sale or as part of a paid service, or distributed in the ICC Publications pages.
Requests for permission may be obtained from ipmanagement@iccwbo.org.
You may quote from or refer to ICC material for educational purposes or commentary provided that the portion quoted is limited and proper attribution is given to ICC, indicating the title of the document, © International Chamber of Commerce (ICC), publication year if available, and page number and/or URL as applicable.
Participation in the development of ICC texts
Diverse companies, business organisations and stakeholder groups participate in the development of ICC codes and rules and other texts to ensure that these take into account the views and perspectives of relevant business stakeholders.
ICC is the sole copyright holder of such texts, which are “collective works” initiated and drafted under the authority and control of ICC. Participation in their development does not give rise to any rights in the texts for contributors.
When contributing to developing an ICC text, participants agree to respect the above copyright policy as well as the confidentiality of ICC working documents, which should be used only for the purpose of drafting and/or reviewing the texts and not further disseminated.
Should you be interested in participating in the development of ICC texts by becoming a member please contact our membership department.